Saturday, January 8, 2011

There is a tide...

Today is the true beginning of my new year. I like to think of it as a rebirth. Today is a day where I truly begin to create a name for myself. A quote from Julius Ceaser that keeps repeating over and over in my head:

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

This year is my tide. It is time for me to truly create my business and create the life that I desire. It is my firm belief that the world is out there for the taking and that an individual creates their own destiny. I have devoted my life thus far into becoming a person capable of such success and now it is time for me to shine. 

First, a little about myself. I am a recent college graduate from Atlanta, Georgia. I graduated from a prestigious university that at times drained the majority of my existing optimism, thus rendering me in a cold dark stupor. However, now with diploma in hand I stand "prepared" to tackle the world as I know it. I have a girlfriend, a mother, a father, a sister, another sister, two nieces, a grandmother, a mentor, and a bunch of very interesting friends all here in Atlanta. Sometimes I think about going to another city and getting a "cube job" and working my way up. I feel incredibly confident in my ability to do that but for some reason it seems insufficient. Early in college, a man who is now my business partner said "being wealthy comes from writing your own checks" or something like that. Bottom line is I wanted to create. So to make a long story short I chose solar panels, right here in Georgia. I have been working on the solar panel company for two years now. We have not made a sale. We do not have a patent. We do not have a manufacturing facility. We are pre-revenue. These things are a top priority and must change. 

I am writing this blog to help me organize my thoughts. It will give me a chance to express what is actually going on in my mind. In a busy life I will need that time. Also i want to share the journey of me creating this venture. I want to have a record of how I did it and more importantly, what I was thinking when I did it.

 So more to come later I need to get back to work. This business plan wont write itself. 
